Work with us

Do you want an inspiring workplace with colleagues who love to make others happy?

Kom med i vårt magiska team!

Nu stärker vi upp teamet inför sommarsäsongen på Sjökrogen och vi behöver dig!

Vill du vara en del av vårt magiska team på Katrinelund Sjökrog i vår & sommar, med stora chanser att följa med upp till vårt gästgiveri med aktiv verksamhet under höst/vinter.

Vi söker personal till både servis, disk & kök – har man tidigare erfarenhet av reception eller villig att lära sig så finns det även möjlighet för pass med vårt härliga receptionsteam.

Tidigare erfarenhet av hotell & restaurangbranschen är meriterande men inget krav, vi lägger stort fokus på personkemi och vill att du ska komma in och känna glädjen i vårt tokiga gäng. Givetvis brinner du likt oss för att sätta gästen i fokus, se till dennes individuella behov samt ha passion för mat & dryck – då vi arbetar med genuina råvaror.
Körkort är ett måste då vi ligger naturskönt precis intill Hjälmaren, en bit från kommunalförbindelser.

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Frukost & Städ
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Cooks working in the kitchen


You want to create something more than a good dinner served at a table. Brave, humble and joyful, you want to give your guests a breathtaking flavour journey combined with first-class service.

You want a workplace where you can go out and breathe fresh air and look out over scenic surroundings, while feeling safe and developing with your colleagues. Having fun, learning from others and being challenged by nature - that's why you want to become a Katrinelundare.


In our Glasigloo, which is moored at our own jetty, you can rest in a soft double bed in the warmth while nature and the lake outside show themselves from their very best side regardless of the season.
3090 kr/night
Single room, Katrinelund

Single room

Our single rooms are tastefully and personally decorated. The rooms are located around a cosy courtyard with fruit trees and seating areas.

All rooms have wifi, TV, hairdryer, coffee/tea and minibar.
1623 SEK/night
Deluxe, Katrinelund


Our deluxe rooms are tastefully and personally decorated. Each room has a private terrace with a seating area and a view of our relaxation area. The comfortable beds can easily be placed together or apart.

All rooms have wifi, TV, hairdryer, coffee/tea and minibar.
3036 kr/night
Family room, Katrinelund


Our bright and spacious family room is accessible and therefore works well for those who have or are travelling with someone with a disability. In addition to the double bed, there is a sofa bed with room for two people. Are there more people in your family? From the family room it is possible (via a lockable door) to go directly to the room next door.

The family room of course has wifi, TV, hairdryer, coffee/tea and minibar.
2890 kr/night
Minisuite, Katrinelund

The mini-suite

The mini-suite is tastefully decorated and has a balcony with a lovely view of Lake Hjälmaren. You have a small seating area where you can sit and talk, read or just enjoy being here. There is also room for an extra bed.

The mini-suite has Wi-Fi, a TV, hairdryer, coffee/tea and a minibar.
3456 kr/night
Double room, Katrinelund
Double room, Katrinelund


Our double and single rooms are tastefully and personally decorated. The rooms are situated around a cosy courtyard with fruit trees and seating areas. The comfortable beds can easily be placed together or apart.

All rooms have wifi, TV, hairdryer, coffee/tea and minibar.
2826 kr/night
Suite, Katrinelund

The suite

Our tastefully decorated suite has a balcony. There is a seating area where you can sit and cosy up, enjoy a good book and perhaps a drink from the minibar.
The bathroom has an open area that allows you to watch TV from the bathtub. There is also a bathtub and a shower.
The suite has Wi-Fi, TV, hairdryer, coffee/tea and a minibar.
3690 kr/night
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